The replica"s components are made from metal. Adjustable length of the stock allows the user to adapt the replica to his or hers physique and preferences. Small size of the replica makes it perfect for operations in urban areas and in small, confined spaces. Replica"s battery is located inside the front grip.
The replica includes a hi-cap type magazine holding 250 pellets.
Calibre: 6mm
Drive: SAEG
Gearbox: V3
Weight: 2368g
Length: 585-690mm
Firing mode: Save,Semi
Inner barrel: 229mm
Connection: Mini-Tamiya
Battery: Recommended 7,4V Li-PO
Energy: approx. 1,1 Joule
Attention: over-the-counter from 18, proof of age required
in germany, airsoft weapons are not allowed to be carried in public.