JG0450A this model is one of the most popular replicas in the world of ASG. The replica was produced by a Chinese company [WORKS J.G.]. Due to extensive experience in the production of ASG replicas, the company [WORKS J.G.] gives us a very well-made carbine. The replica is made of aluminum alloy and ABS. The replica's body was made of high-quality plastic. [WORKS J.G.] tried to reproduce the original carabine in its replica. As in the acute version, a two-stage trigger was used, pulling the trigger halfway allows for single fire, while pulling until the end of continuous fire. The replica, like the original, has only a fire fuse. The hop-up adjustment has been placed in the ejection window which is located on the right and left. Depending on the preferences of the shooter, one of the windows can be blinded, thanks to which, whenever possible, a unique solution from the real version was mapped, in which it is possible to quickly change the lock and plug the appropriate outlet window of the scales (right or left). This allows the rifle to be used by both right and left-handed shooters.
The shape of the body in conjunction with the butt ended with a rubber boot allows you to take a comfortable and secure shooting position. The outer barrel with integrated RIS rail is an aluminum alloy. The 20 cm long mounting rail allows you to mount any tactical accessories such as telescopes, collimator or mechanical sights. The replica's internal mechanism together with a 510 mm inner barrel allows the ball to accelerate to 420 feet per second.
The modular design of the replica deserves special attention. Just like the oryginal equivalent, it is possible to quickly unfold the rifle into three parts - barrel assembly, cradle, integrated stock.
Reinforced v.3 gearbox consists:
* reinforced steel gears (piston gear have also bearing)
* eight anti-reversal
* reinforced piston
* reinforced directional piston head with bearing
* 7 mm steel bearings
* nylon spring guide
* low resistant wiring
* high torque motor
It should be emphasized that parts and accessories of other manufacturers are fully compatible with this model, which is important when strengthening the replica and improving its performance.
Calibre: 6mm
Drive: AEG
Gearbox: Reinforced V3
Hop-Up: adjustable
Magazine: 330 rounds high-capa
Firing mode: Save, Semi,Fullauto
Inner barrel: 510mm
Barrel diameter: 6.04
Material: ABS, metal
Length: 770mm
Weight: 4160g
The product was launched on the market by the manufacturer before December 13, 2024
and offered for sale by us before December 13, 2024.
The product complies with Directive 2001/95/EC.